{ "scaling": 60, "study": "Bachelor", "categories": [ { "id": "zentral", "name": { "de": "Zentral", "en": "Central" }, "colour": "#8fdbf3" }, { "id": "dezentral", "name": { "de": "Dezentral", "en": "Decentral" }, "colour": "#fdf7cb" }, { "id": "kleingruppe", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppe", "en": "Group" }, "colour": "#cfb9ef" }, { "id": "optional", "name": { "de": "Optional", "en": "Optional" }, "colour": "#b9f9bf" } ], "notes": [ { "de": "Parallel dazu findet die Account-Aktivierung in C005 statt.", "en": "Parallel to this, account activation takes place in C005." }, { "de": "Diese Veranstaltung hat ein offenes Ende.", "en": "This event is open end." }, { "de": "Zur Auswahl: Auslandsvortrag (S3|11 08), Lerngruppen-Speed-Dating (S2|02 C301), Git-Workshop (S2|02 C205)", "en": "To choose from: Lecture abroad (S3|11 08), Learning group speed dating (S2|02 C301), Git workshop (S2|02 C205)" } ], "days": [ { "dayOfWeek": 1, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "09:00", "to": "11:00", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)" }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "11:00", "to": "12:30", "name": { "de": "Begrüßung", "en": "Welcome meeting" }, "room": "S1|01 A1 (Audimax)" }, { "category": "kleingruppe", "from": "12:30", "to": "15:30", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppe", "en": "Groups" }, "room": "Kleingruppenraum" }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "15:30", "to": "16:30", "name": { "de": "Fachvortrag", "en": "Expert talk" }, "room": "S2|06 030" }, { "category": "optional", "from": "16:30", "to": "19:30", "name": { "de": "Spielepräabend", "en": "Games pre evening" }, "room": "Folgt nach Vortrag", "notes": [2] } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 2, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "08:30", "to": "10:00", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)", "notes": [1] }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "10:00", "to": "12:00", "name": { "de": "Studienorganisation", "en": "Student Advisory Talk" }, "room": "S1|01 A1 (Audimax)" }, { "category": "kleingruppe", "from": "12:00", "to": "16:00", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppe", "en": "Groups" }, "room": "Gruppenraum" }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "16:00", "to": "17:45", "name": { "de": "IT-Infrastruktur\nFachvorträge-\"Speed-Dating\"", "en": "IT infrastructure\nExpert talks \"Speed-Dating\"" }, "room": "S3|11 08 (Hexagon)" }, { "category": "dezentral", "from": "17:45", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Wahlveranstaltungen", "en": "Elective events" }, "room": "Verschiedene Räume", "notes": [3] }, { "category": "optional", "from": "19:00", "to": "20:00", "name": { "de": "Kneipentour", "en": "Bar Tour" }, "room": "S2|02 C205", "notes": [2] } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 3, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "08:30", "to": "09:30", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)" }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "09:30", "to": "12:00", "name": { "de": "Mentorensystem,\nTUCaN, Moodle", "en": "Mentoring system,\nTUCaN, Moodle" }, "room": "S1|05 122 (Maschinenhaus)" }, { "category": "kleingruppe", "from": "12:00", "to": "14:30", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppen", "en": "Groups" }, "room": "Gruppenraum" }, { "category": "dezentral", "from": "14:30", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Geländespiel", "en": "Campus game" }, "room": "S3|11 08 (Hexagon)" }, { "category": "optional", "from": "19:00", "to": "20:00", "name": { "de": "Spieleabend", "en": "Games evening" }, "room": "Piloty (S2|02)", "notes": [2] } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 4, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "08:30", "to": "10:00", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)", "notes": [1] }, { "category": "dezentral", "from": "10:00", "to": "12:00", "name": { "de": "Prüfung", "en": "Exam" }, "room": "Verschiedene Räume" }, { "category": "kleingruppe", "from": "12:00", "to": "14:30", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppen", "en": "Groups" }, "room": "Gruppenraum" }, { "category": "dezentral", "from": "14:30", "to": "18:30", "name": { "de": "Workshops (Slots 1-3)", "en": "Workshops (slots 1-3)" }, "room": "Verschiedene Räume" }, { "category": "optional", "from": "19:00", "to": "21:00", "name": { "de": "Kneipentour / Mathetheater", "en": "Bar tour / Math theatre" }, "room": "S2|02 C205 / S2|06 030", "notes": [2] } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 5, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "08:30", "to": "10:30", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)" }, { "category": "dezentral", "from": "10:30", "to": "11:30", "name": { "de": "AStA, Beschwerdemanagement", "en": "AStA, complaint management" }, "room": "S1|05 122 (Maschinenhaus)" }, { "category": "kleingruppe", "from": "11:30", "to": "14:30", "name": { "de": "Kleingruppen", "en": "Groups" }, "room": "Gruppenraum" }, { "category": "zentral", "from": "14:40", "to": "16:00", "name": { "de": "Abschluss", "en": "Closing" }, "room": "S1|05 122 (Maschinenhaus)" }, { "category": "optional", "from": "16:00", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Campus-/Stadtführung\noder Spieleabend", "en": "Campus and city tour\nor games evening" }, "room": "S2|02 C301", "notes": [2] }, { "category": "optional", "from": "20:00", "to": "21:00", "name": { "de": "FB20 Party", "en": "FB20 Party" }, "room": "Goldene Krone", "notes": [2] } ] } ] }