{ "scaling": 60, "study": "Master", "categories": [ { "id": "department", "name": { "de": "Fachbereich", "en": "Department" }, "colour": "#8fdbf3" }, { "id": "leisure", "name": { "de": "Freizeit", "en": "Leisure" }, "colour": "#fecfd3" }, { "id": "tud", "name": { "de": "Universität", "en": "University" }, "colour": "#cfb9ef" }, { "id": "germany", "name": { "de": "Deutschland kennenlernen", "en": "Get to know Germany" }, "colour": "#fdf7cb" }, { "id": "bachelor", "name": { "de": "Bachelor", "en": "Bachelor" }, "colour": "#ffd6af" }, { "id": "optional", "name": { "de": "Optional", "en": "Optional" }, "colour": "#b9f9bf" } ], "notes": [ { "de": "Diese Veranstaltung hat ein offenes Ende.", "en": "This event is open end." }, { "de": "Parallel dazu findet die Account-Aktivierung in S2|02 C110 statt.", "en": "Parallel to this, account activation takes place in S2|02 C110." } ], "days": [ { "dayOfWeek": 2, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "09:00", "to": "10:00", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)" }, { "category": "department", "from": "10:00", "to": "10:30", "name": { "de": "Begrüßung", "en": "Welcome Meeting" }, "room": "S2|02 C205" }, { "category": "tud", "from": "10:30", "to": "12:00", "name": { "de": "Fachstudienberatung und Studieren\nan der TU Darmstadt", "en": "Student Advisory Talk and\nStudying at TU Darmstadt" }, "room": "S2|02 C205" }, { "category": "tud", "from": "12:00", "to": "13:30", "name": { "de": "ULB Tour", "en": "ULB Tour" }, "room": "ULB" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "12:00", "to": "13:30", "name": { "de": "Mittagessen", "en": "Lunch" }, "room": "Mensa" }, { "category": "department", "from": "13:30", "to": "14:30", "name": { "de": "Studieren im Ausland", "en": "Studying Abroad" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "department", "from": "14:30", "to": "15:30", "name": { "de": "Kurzvortäge", "en": "Lighning-Round talks" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "15:30", "to": "16:30", "name": { "de": "Get-Together", "en": "Get-Together" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "16:30", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Brettspielabend", "en": "Gnom" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "16:30", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Stadtour", "en": "City Tour" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 3, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "09:00", "to": "10:30", "name": { "de": "Frühstück / Account-Aktivierung", "en": "Breakfast / Account Activation" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)", "notes": [2] }, { "category": "tud", "from": "10:30", "to": "12:00", "name": { "de": "IT Systeme", "en": "IT Systems" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "12:00", "to": "13:30", "name": { "de": "Mittagessen", "en": "Lunch" }, "room": "Mensa" }, { "category": "tud", "from": "13:30", "to": "14:00", "name": { "de": "Fachschaft", "en": "Student council" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "germany", "from": "14:00", "to": "16:00", "name": { "de": "Intercultural Talk", "en": "Intercultural Talk" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "16:00", "to": "19:00", "name": { "de": "Unirallye", "en": "Unirallye" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "19:00", "to": "21:00", "name": { "de": "Kneipentour", "en": "Bartour" }, "room": "S2|02 C110", "notes": [1] } ] }, { "dayOfWeek": 4, "slots": [ { "category": "optional", "from": "09:00", "to": "10:00", "name": { "de": "Frühstück", "en": "Breakfast" }, "room": "S2|02 A020 (LZI)" }, { "category": "tud", "from": "10:00", "to": "11:45", "name": { "de": "Anti-Diskriminierung, AStA,\nBeschwerdemanagement, Gleichstellungs-\nTeam, Unite!", "en": "Anti Discrimination, AStA,\nImprovement Management, Gender Equality\nTeam, Unite!" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "department", "from": "11:45", "to": "13:00", "name": { "de": "Wissenschaftlicher Vortrag\nvon Prof. Ulmann", "en": "Scientific Talk\nby Prof. Ulmann" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "department", "from": "13:00", "to": "14:00", "name": { "de": "Master/Doktor-Panel", "en": "Master and Doctorate Panel" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "bachelor", "from": "13:00", "to": "14:00", "name": { "de": "Fachstudienberatung Q&A Bachelor", "en": "Student Advisory Q&A Bachelor" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "department", "from": "14:00", "to": "14:30", "name": { "de": "Abschlussvotrag", "en": "Feedback and Closing" }, "room": "S2|02 C110" }, { "category": "leisure", "from": "14:30", "to": "17:30", "name": { "de": "Abschlussgrillen", "en": "Master-BBQ" }, "room": "S2|02 A020" } ] } ] }